
the beauty in me

gracey’s 1: The beauty in me

All my life I never felt that beautiful. Though, I am always assured by my parents that I am, and that all my friends were saying that too, and many times did I have admirers (Ows?!). I think all of them were fair enough to tell me the truth, since many were agreeable then. I just hope that not so many in this world are that liar enough to make me believe.


True beauty has been a mystery for me since the time I got a glimpse of a person they told to be beautiful. Ever since, it tried to compare myself to that person, and that was the time I felt I am not like her. Then I believed that I am not beautiful, since no matter how I tried to be, I will forever be not like her. From the color of the skin, the shape of the nose and the redness of her cheeks, I felt I was totally different. There are things that my mother cannot trully explain to me. Tha’ts why until now, I consider the beauty in me, a mystery.


I went to school and I learned so many things. I even already got an idea of what’s beauty in life and at the what is life without beauty. I learned as moments go by, without being sure about what I learned, but being able to understand it. Now I know that in all aspects in life, there is a mystery- and that’s where beauty comes in. Beauty is in any person, and from yourself, you could only find out.


Beauty is every where yet it seems that not all people see it. I believe that beauty is not only relative but also not absolute. Since I believe that no one still has defined truly what, where, who and where beauty is,I also then believe that seeing beauty is but a choice. A choice that has reasons that are only for us to find out. I believe that the beauty in me, is more than what you see, but what is inside me, that makes me appreciate everything that I have, and everything that is around me.

December 1, 2006 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

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December 1, 2006 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment